The Letham Feuars committee receives no public money. The committee organises, with the help of other volunteers from the community, the provision of the Christmas tree and lights in the Square. In conjunction with Letham Brownies, they arrange for the switching on of these lights. The committee also organises, together with the Village Hall Committee, the annual "Carols in the Village Hall" on Christmas Eve. when all the village are invited to sing popular carols and partake of refreshments afterwards. The Feuars also organise the hanging baskets in the square each summer, and, with the Letham Gardening Club, the planting of the beds with seasonal plants. Members of the committee give up their time to water these baskets on a daily basis. Much of the maintenance of the greens and other properties managed by the Feuars committee is done by the committee members themselves, thus reducing any costs. The committee also organise the annual litter pick of the village and provide soup and other refreshments for those taking part.
"Dempster Day" is organised by the committee, in conjunction with the Gardening Club and the Scouts, on the second Sunday in August, from 1pm to 4pm. We are hoping to extend the festivities in future years by running activities on the Greens.
The windows in the Feuars' hall have all been replaced according to listed building permission. A stairlift to the upper floor is available, thus making the office more accessible to everyone.
The only income received is from the rental of the properties managed (see link below) and the donations given in the Book Shop for second hand books. Please note that the Book Shop is open most days, due to the generosity of the Angus Crafts Association. Whenever the HandPICT shop is open the bookshop will be open. The book shop is also open late evenings when the Basement (Youth Club) meet.
If you feel that you would like to join the committee then please look out for notices about the AGM, to be held in April each year, in the Feuars' Hall. If you would like to help but do not want to join a committee then please contact the Secretary.
Copies of the Minutes of The Feuars Committee meetings are available in the Bookshop and on the next page.
Properties managed by the Feuars
Feuars Constitution can be read here
Plashmill Bat report - October 2013
October 2024
November 2024
December 2024
In The Know contains many useful number for Official services and the Village and Area.