Letham Village & District
in Angus

Welcome to Letham & District Community Website

This website aims to keep everyone in the area aware of the many groups which exist in the village and surrounding areas. There are a lot of events going on in the village and it is hoped that this site can keep everyone informed of those events.
If you have any comments that you would like to make about the site or any items affecting the Community of Letham and District, then please go the "Contact us" page and fill in the form there.

You may require to download Adobe reader to view some of the files on this website.

Please be aware that the website is run on a purely voluntary basis and there could be considerable delays in answering messages.


About Us image
The Community Council image
The Community Council is a non political body and deals with all matters concerning the village.

BACKGROUND:- Community Councils were introduced in 1975 when local government was reformed and the former, smaller town councils, were abolished.

Specific arrangements are made by Angus Council for consultation on planning applications. All community
councils are sent a weekly list of all planning applications.

All local authorities are responsible for setting up what is known as a Community Council Scheme. This Scheme provides the framework for the operation of community councils and also includes model constitutions and standing orders. Further information on the background and operation of all Angus Community Councils can be viewed on the Angus Council
website www.angus.gov.uk

Meetings of Letham & District Community Council are currently held in the first floor meeting room of The Feuars’ Hall, The Square, LETHAM on a WEDNESDAY starting at 7.30pm. A schedule of meeting dates, list of Community Councillors and other items of interest is on display in the NOTICE BOARD outside The Feuars’ Hall. All meetings are open to the public. Minutes of Letham & District Community Council meetings can be viewed at The Feuars’ Hall during opening times and also on the Angus Council website. The purpose of a Community Council is to ascertain, co-ordinate and express the views of the community it represents and to liaise local authorities and other public bodies.

If you have any queries please contact CC Secretary.

The Letham Feuars committee receives no public money.  The committee organises, with the help of other volunteers from the community, the provision of the Christmas tree and lights in the Square.  In conjunction with Letham Brownies, they arrange for the switching on of these lights.  The committee also organises, together with the Village Hall Committee, the annual "Carols in the Village Hall" on Christmas Eve. when all the village are invited to sing popular carols and partake of refreshments afterwards.  The Feuars also organise the hanging baskets in the square each summer, and, with the Letham Gardening Club, the planting of the beds with seasonal plants.  Members of the committee give up their time to water these baskets on a daily basis.  Much of the maintenance of the greens and other properties managed by the Feuars committee is done by the committee members themselves, thus reducing any costs.  The committee also organise the annual litter pick of the village and provide soup and other refreshments for those taking part.

"Dempster Day" is organised by the committee, in conjunction with the Gardening Club and the Scouts, on the second Sunday in August, from 1pm to 4pm. We are hoping to extend the festivities in future years by running activities on the Greens.

The windows in the Feuars' hall have all been replaced according to listed building permission. A stairlift to the upper floor is available, thus making the office more accessible to everyone.

The only income received is from the rental of the properties managed (see link below) and the donations given in the Book Shop for second hand books. Please note that the Book Shop is open most days, due to the generosity of the Angus Crafts Association. Whenever the HandPICT shop is open the bookshop will be open. The book shop is also open late evenings when the Basement (Youth Club) meet.

If you feel that you would like to join the committee then please look out for notices about the AGM, to be held in April each year, in the Feuars' Hall. If you would like to help but do not want to join a committee then please contact the Secretary.

Copies of the Minutes of The Feuars Committee meetings are available in the Bookshop and on the next page.

Properties managed by the Feuars

Feuars Constitution can be read here

Plashmill Bat report - October 2013

Litter Pick
The Feuars are again hosting the Annual Litter Pick in the Village.
This year the Litter Pick will be on Sunday 31st May. It starts at 10am at the Feuars Hall, where street maps and equipment will be available.
There will be refreshments in the Feuars Hall after the pick.
Everyone is welcome to volunteer to clean up our Village.
The arrival of "George Dempster" and "friends" 2015.
Photograph by Ron Cathro

The next Dempster Day will be held (hopefully) on
Sunday 10th August 2025 - 1pm to 4pm

The dual venue of the village hall and the scouts' ground and hut will again be used. Anyone wishing to have a table or provide a service should contact a member of the Feuars' Committee.

Forfar All Souls @ Letham imageForfar All Souls @ Letham imageForfar All Souls @ Letham image
Formerly Dunnichen, Letham & Kirkden Church
Dunnichen, Letham & Kirkden Church was formed when 2 parishes combined. Kirkden Church was demolished in 1952, and now all that remains of it is a very pleasant church yard. Situated in this church yard is the bell from the church. Dunnichen Church closed, permanently, on 21st August 2011. The church has now been sold to a private buyer wishing to convert it into a dwelling. The church yard, which belongs to Angus Council, will, of course, be preserved and there will be complete right of access to it at all times.
Please note that the cemeteries and graveyards are owned and maintained by Angus Council. Burial records ar now available at www.deceasedonline.com.

Letham Church, therefore, remains as the only Church for the Old Parish. It lies in the heart of Letham village and the hall is used by many local groups. The address is Dundee Road, Letham, Forfar, Angus DD8 2PP. On 1st April 2024, Letham Church joined with 4 other churches to become Forfar All Souls Church of Scotland.

Everyone is invited to come to the services, held at 10.30am each Sunday, and will be made very welcome.

The Church Guild

Dunnichen, Letham & Kirkden Church Guild had to close in 2023 due to lack of people to run it. The Guild Members have joined with the Guild held at All Souls @ Lowson Church in Forfar. This meets every fortnight on Wednesday afternoons.

In The Picture

In the Picture is a produced 10 times a year and delivered to every property in the Village. It contains both church and community information. For more details and a digital copy please see the Church website www.dlkchurch.org. The name of the website will change at some time in the near future.

In The Know Leaflet

The Church's Publicity Group produces an information leaflet. This will be updated every year and distributed to every household via In The PICTure, usually in the October issue. A copy of the leaflet can be viewed by going to the "Useful Numbers Page"

Times of Services

Services are held every Sunday at 10:30am, except on Remembrance Sunday, when the service will start in the church at 10am, and the progress to the Memorial in Depster Park for the 2 minutes silence.

The first Sunday of every month Communion will be held, after the main service. Communion is open to anyone who is baptized and who "comes in faith and loves the Lord". On the first Sunday in May and November there will be a full Communion service at the normal service time of 10:30am.
If you would like to know more about the church, please contact the Session Clerk

Church Website


In The Know contains many useful number for Official services and the Village and Area.

If you would like any information or have any other queries, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you.
Please note that this website is run by volunteers so there may be a delay in replying.