The Community Council image
The Community Council is a non political body and deals with all matters concerning the village.

BACKGROUND:- Community Councils were introduced in 1975 when local government was reformed and the former, smaller town councils, were abolished.

Specific arrangements are made by Angus Council for consultation on planning applications. All community
councils are sent a weekly list of all planning applications.

All local authorities are responsible for setting up what is known as a Community Council Scheme. This Scheme provides the framework for the operation of community councils and also includes model constitutions and standing orders. Further information on the background and operation of all Angus Community Councils can be viewed on the Angus Council

Meetings of Letham & District Community Council are currently held in the first floor meeting room of The Feuars’ Hall, The Square, LETHAM on a WEDNESDAY starting at 7.30pm. A schedule of meeting dates, list of Community Councillors and other items of interest is on display in the NOTICE BOARD outside The Feuars’ Hall. All meetings are open to the public. Minutes of Letham & District Community Council meetings can be viewed at The Feuars’ Hall during opening times and also on the Angus Council website. The purpose of a Community Council is to ascertain, co-ordinate and express the views of the community it represents and to liaise local authorities and other public bodies.

If you have any queries please contact CC Secretary.